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INGV-BSL Workshop on Solid Earth Geophysics


May 22-24, 2024


The 2024 INGV-BSL Workshop on Solid Earth Geophysics is organized under the auspices of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Prof. Carlo Doglioni and Prof. Richard Allen on June 1st 2023. It will be the first one of a series of annual meetings of scientists of the INGV and the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL), to be held annually on topics of mutual interest, switching locations every year between the two institutions. Scope of the MoU, and of the workshops, is to foster exchanges and collaborations between graduate students and researchers of the two organizations. 

The 2024 workshop is organized in two days and four sessions, with two sessions per day. In each session there will be a limited number of presentations, and a substantial amount of time will be devoted to discussion. A field trip to the area of Monte Vettore will take place on May 24, 2024. Scope of the field trip is the observation of the surface effects of the 2016 mainshocks of the Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence. 

An Addendum to the MoU between INGV and BSL, approved on October 24, 2023, defines the Scientific Committee (SC) of the MoU, which will also be in charge of organizing the annual workshops. The composition of the SC is as follows: 



Dr. Luca Malagnini (Chair)

Dr. Massimo Cocco

Dr. Elena Spagnuolo


For BSL:

Prof. Richard Allen

Prof. Roland Bürgmann

Prof. Douglas Dreger

Memorandum of understanding (PDF)

Addendum to Memorandum (PDF)

Scientific Program (PDF)